Sunscreen Roller Shades FB5 - 5%


Our Sunscreen Roller Shades with 5% openness provide good outward visibility while blocking 95% of the harmful UV rays. Easy to install, operate and maintain, these sun blocking solar shades work well for sun exposed windows of a home environment where sun control and related heat gain need to be addressed, but natural light is still preferred.™ is a Canadian based manufacturer with its head office in Toronto, Canada. We have been producing high quality window coverings with industry standard blind components for over 15 years, supplying retail stores throughout Canada and now offering factory direct to online consumers. We carry our own line of sunscreen blinds and shades, including several designer colours and patterns.



    Sunscreen Shades 5%

    3 Colours Available

    Starts At: CAD 54.00
    For size (24X36)
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